YouTuber Shares Warning Over Popular Meal After Girlfriend Dies Eating It

Billy LeBlanc, a YouTube personality, revealed on his Instagram account that his girlfriend Natalie had passed away. He said that he almost died after they contracted an infection due to eating raw oysters.


In his post, he said that he will always remember how he and Natalie got lost in the world. He also urged people to keep their loved ones close.

According to People, Natalie was his girlfriend. He later posted a comment saying that he and Clark got vibrio vulnificus after eating raw oysters.

In 2020, he introduced Clark as his girlfriend in a YouTube video.

She identified herself as a 37-year-old from Los Angeles who has a son. According to the CDC, vibrio is a type of bacterial infection that can lead to a serious illness.

The bacteria that can cause vibrio live in warm seawater. Vulnerabilities can occur when an infected individual eats raw or undercooked seafood.


The CDC noted that about 65% of the approximately 80,000 cases of vibrio that occur in the US annually are caused by contaminated food.

According to the agency, about one in five individuals infected with this illness will die. Others may require amputation or intensive care.

Some of the symptoms of this infection include vomiting, diarrhea, and fever.


The CDC also noted that people should avoid eating raw or undercooked seafood.

After handling raw shellfish, use soap and water to disinfect hands. People who have an open wound should avoid contact with brackish or saltwater water.

They should also wash wounds with clean running water and soap after coming into contact with raw seafood or coastal waters.

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