CNN Reporter STUNNED By Polling On African Americans Supporting Trump

On Monday, CNN was shocked by how Donald Trump was polling among African-Americans ahead of the presidential elections in 2024.


According to the network’s Harry Enten, he was stunned by how Trump had jumped from 7% support in early 2020 to 21% support now, which is significantly higher than the support of former President Joe Biden, who had fallen from 86% to 70% in the past couple of years.

In an interview with John Berman, Enten noted that he was not seeing signs that the trend toward a more normal presidential election would be returning.

He said that Trump’s impressive performance had been largely due to the increasing number of young African-Americans supporting him.

According to Enten, the support for Biden among African-Americans under the age of fifty has started to wane.

In 2020, he had a lead of over 80 points. Now, it is 37 points.

This has been a shocking development, and it has left Enten speechless.

He said that it could be a historic moment for the Democratic Party, as African-Americans under the 50s are starting to leave the party.

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