Terrifying True Story Of Woman Locked In A Box For Seven Years

This is a grim tale, but if you’re into unusual and disturbing stories of true crime, then you might want to check out Colleen Stan’s kidnapping.


She was a hitchhiker who was on her way to California from Oregon when she was abducted by a couple known as Cameron and Janice Hooker.

For seven years, they kept her as a sex slave, where she was often locked up in a small box for around 23 hours a day.

This is a terrifying experience, and it’s important to be cautious when accepting gifts from strangers.

Colleen was a seasoned traveler, which suggests that this type of thing could happen to others if people aren’t careful. She was 20 years old when she was kidnapped, and she was on her way to California to celebrate a friend’s birthday.

After rejecting the Hookers’ previous requests, she felt confident about taking their ride.


However, during their stop, she heard a voice that told her to run away and never come back. She should have followed this message.

When the car drove into an isolated area, Cameron took her to a location where he would cut her throat and force her to become a sex slave.


She was then imprisoned in a head box, which was made to look like a wooden box that can be used to trap an individual inside.

Throughout her ordeal, Colleen was constantly abused by Hooker, who had reportedly agreed with his wife’s belief that he could have a sex partner.


She was eventually forced to sign a contract that ensured her servitude for life.

There was also a mysterious organization called The Company, which Cameron claimed would cause harm to her family if she ran away.

She was kept inside the head box and beneath the bed where the Hookers were staying.


Despite being abused by Cameron, Colleen was able to maintain her faith and follow his many demands.

This allowed her to enjoy greater freedom, such as being able to leave the box occasionally for work or exercise.

Unfortunately, Cameron began to worry about giving her too much freedom.

He kept her under the box for three years, during which time she was rarely allowed outside.


After she was allowed to take a job in 1983, Cameron proposed to her.

Hooker then revealed that he was not a part of The Company, which led to her leaving and taking a bus home. She claims that she decided not to report him to the police because she was convinced that he could be reformed.


After a few months, Janice came forward and claimed that Cameron abducted and tortured a girl in 1976.

There was insufficient evidence to charge him with murder, so the case was closed.

In 1985, Cameron was sentenced to spend 104 years in prison after he was found guilty of multiple charges.

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