Woman Dead After Plunging Four Storeys Down a Lift Shaft When Door Opened to Empty Void

In Italy, a woman named Clelia Ditano died after she fell from the fourth floor of an elevator. She was 25 years old.

According to reports, she fell onto the first floor of an apartment building in Fasano.

Upon pressing the button, she was able to access the elevator’s fourth floor.

However, she didn’t realize that the lift hadn’t arrived.

According to the firefighters who attended to her body, Clelia fell from the elevator’s roof during the early hours of July 1.

Her distraught father called the emergency services after learning that his daughter had fallen from the elevator shaft.

After arriving at the scene, the firefighters and police officers tried to determine why the doors were opened even though it was still on the first level.


An official noted that the door might have been opened due to a malfunction in the lock system.

According to a US company, lifts are designed to allow the car to control their opening.

The company explained that in certain cases, such as during maintenance, the doors may be opened manually.

However, passengers should always wait for a cab when the lifts open.

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