Woman Refused to Give Her First Class Plane Seat to Six-Year-Old

A woman said she refused to give up her first-class seat so a six-year-old boy could sit with his mom in the plane.


She said she felt guilty about it after the boy’s mom and the flight attendant told her that she was wrong. She then confessed on Reddit’s Am I The A**hole forum.

According to the poster, her boyfriend surprised her recently by giving her a first-class ticket on a long-haul flight.

He said he wanted to treat her, and she was excited because she had never flown first class.

The pair were scheduled to fly together on a couple of 12-hour trips.

The user noted that she was not used to the luxurious atmosphere of first-class.

She grew up in a lower middle-class household, and she had never flown higher than the lowest-cost seats on planes.

The experience, however, was suddenly interrupted around 20 minutes before the plane took off.


According to the user, a flight attendant asked her if she was okay with a woman and her young child sitting beside her.

The woman said that due to a mistake, her son ended up in the economy section of the plane.

The mom then asked the Redditor if she could switch her seat so her child could sit in first class.


The user, who felt sorry for the kid, explained that her seat was given to her by her boyfriend. She said she wanted to use it as the mom wanted for her son.

She politely declined the request and noted that she had never flown in first class.

The mom then argued that her son would be more appreciated if he sat in first class instead of her, as she had not paid for the ticket.


The user stated that the flight attendant seemed to agree with the mom, and she was urged to be more understanding.

The boyfriend then started talking about how he was an elite frequent flier and a platinum customer, and he often booked business trips through the airline.

The mother escorted her son back to business class after the boyfriend threatened to take his business elsewhere.


The Redditor noted that the flight attendant seemed to be glaring and judging her throughout the entire trip. The opinions of her close friends varied.

The user stated that she informed her boyfriend about the incident, and he said that it was his prerogative to allocate the ticket.

She also noted that it was rude for the flight attendant to ask her to switch seats even though she had not paid for the ticket.


Some of her friends believed that she should have given her seat to the child, as it was the least she could do to help the other person.

Most of the readers who commented on the matter believed that the mom was at fault, as her booking error was not believable.


They also noted that she had been trying to get a first-class seat at a lower price. One user suggested that the woman could have bought a ticket for her son instead.

Another reader stated that she did not understand why the flight attendant insisted on having the woman move to the economy section despite her booking error.

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