Woman Watered Her Beloved Succulent for Two Years Before Realizing It’s Completely Fake

For two years, Caelie Wilkes of California nurtured a succulent that she thought was real. She would water it and place it inside her kitchen window so that it would get sunlight.

She maintained the plant by keeping it well-cared for.

On her Facebook page, she said that she would be very defensive if someone tried to water it.

On Friday, she decided to remove the plant from its container and put it inside a new vase.

However, when she opened the container, she discovered that it was a fake.

According to her, the plant was placed in a Styrofoam container.

After struggling to keep the plant looking its best, she realized it was a fake.

She posted a rant about her experience on her Facebook page, which has since received thousands of comments and reactions.

Home Depot Ukiah was aware of her situation and sent her various succulents.

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