Woman Who ‘Died’ Shares Chilling Discovery She Made In ‘Heaven’

Julie Poole, a spiritual master, claimed to have spent three days in heaven before she made a disturbing discovery.


She said that she suffered from emotional, physical, and sexual abuse as a child.

Poole, who is a personal and spiritual growth coach, said that although her experience deeply affected her, it also strengthened her resolve to become a better spiritual person.

In her most recent interview, she revealed that she almost died after overdosing on drugs in her 20s.

She claimed that she was taken to a realm of a higher power, which she referred to as a “spirit realm.”

According to Poole, she was given visions of the future of mankind. She claimed that she was taken to a higher realm after seeing her angels and guides.

She claimed that the spirits told her that she was not going home.


They also told her that she was too young to experience the overwhelming and hard things that life would throw at her.

However, three days after her encounter with these supernatural beings, she returned to her regular body.

According to Poole, the spirit beings told her that the Golden Age would begin in 2012 and end in 2032.


She said that the concept of the Golden Age refers to the oppression and control that the masses have been experiencing for the past 2,000 years.

The Golden Age is expected to bring an end to the oppression and control that people have been experiencing for the past two millennia.


According to Poole, the people in power who are corrupt will be exposed as the society begins to move toward a “day of reckoning.”

She noted that this would not be a type of doomsday event. Instead, it will be a time of reckoning.

According to Poole, the Golden Age will bring an end to the control and oppression that people have been experiencing for over two millennia.


She said that this oppression and control will eventually be replaced by equality.

She noted that this concept is expected to help bring about a “day of reckoning.”

She stated that the corrupt individuals in power would be exposed as the system begins to move toward “a day of reckoning.”

She said that instead of being thrown out, the people who are genuinely good will be welcomed into the society.

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